The reports inbox is where all reports are listed as soon as they are submitted. Set report status, add expected return to play dates and mark if a concussion has been confirmed by a medical professional.
Filter your view and click on a report to open and process. Click on a report to open up to process.
Set report status, add expected return to play dates and mark if a concussion has been confirmed by a medical professional or not. Save changes when you’re done processing. Click on Print PDF to download a pdf version of the report.
Click into date fields to enter expected player return dates.The date selected for UNRESTRICTED RETURN TO PLAY will also be visible in the Player section of both the portal and the mobile app.
Add notes: Both Trainers and Club Admin can add notes to individual reports. All notes are visible to both Trainer and Club Admin. Click into the PLUS icon and follow the prompts to upload a new file or photo.
Add files: Click on Edit to update or delete an existing file.
Club Admins can also access the Club Portal on the mobile app. All the features are available and reports can easily be shared.
Upload helpful guidelines, handbooks, checklists or other documents relevant to Trainers.
Click on the PLUS icon to upload and follow the prompts.Click into a document to edit or delete the file.Add files: Click on Edit to update or delete an existing file.
Trainers will see the documents in their mobile app and can share all documents via SMS or email.
The features are also available vi athe mobile app.
Use the data to understand trends.
Print summary reports for single rounds or the season. Simply select the rounds and click on Print PDF to download a report.
Sample Round Summary.
Here you will find all players currently active in your club. The players can either be added manually by clicking the PLUS icon at the top right of the screen or they can be uploaded in bulk via a spreadsheet import.
The list view is a concussions register and a match fitness tracker. The total number of concussions recorded to date are listed in the Concussions column. If a player is out, you will also be able to see how soon they are expected to come back to full match fitness.
Click on a player to view more details and to add pre existing medical conditions. Trainers will see the conditions in their app and can tap on player to view full instructions.
Preparing your source data before uploading players:
Any excel or csv spreadsheet can be used as a source as long as it includes:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Team
- Division
HANDY TIP! PlayHQ users can export their Participant report and import it directly into Headfirst. To prevent old player data to be included in your app make sure to include these columns in the import (in addition to the above):
- Status (select Active)
- Role (select Player)
Import players by matching the corresponding columns. Match all the Headfirst columns by clicking on the dropdown fields on the right hand side.
HANDY TIP! Check Sample values to make sure the data is matched correctly.
You can add new players manually using the mobile app. Unfortunately bulk import is not available through the mobile app. You can only import players using the web version of the Club Portal.
Trainers and Club Admin can access the app only if they have been added to the Club Portal and use the exact same email as is listed here. You can also enter the expiry dates for courses like First Aid etc.
Adding new users: Click on the orange Plus icon to add a new user. You can add Club Admin and Trainers. All users will be listed as Whitelist until they activate their account. It will show them as Active when they've downloaded the Headfirst app and set up a password.
An invitation to activate account email is automatically sent to the trainers when the have been added to the app.
Club Admin can deactivate and delete trainers at any time, they will then be listed as Deactivated.
Deactivated users will not have access to their account or the data stored on the platform until you set their account to Active again, when they will regain their access.
Allocating teams: Simply click on a trainer in the list and select the teams(s) the trainer will look after. Any number of teams can be allocated to a trainer and team allocation can also be updated anytime.
A handy overview across all your teams.
Check to see if all teams have trainers and how many players each team consists of.
Manual player allocation: Add or remove players from teams. Useful for Senior Clubs where players are selected weekly.